Abstract submission is open for the SEB Annual Meeting in Montpellier, France, from 5-8 July 2022! Together with Simon Poppinga from the Darmstadt Botanic Garden in Germany, we are organising a full-day session on ‘Mechanical Ecology – Taking Biomechanics to the Field’. The session will showcase biomechanical field work across animal and plant science, as well as advances in methodology and portable setups and measurement devices. We’ll show our new hail simulator and some field rheometry data from Brunei and the Seychelles. If you combine biomechanics with ecological field work in any way, we’d love to see you there and hear about your research! Abstract submission deadline is midnight (GMT) on 14 March, and you can upload your abstract here: https://www.sebiology.org/submissions-abstract/2022-conference-calls-for-abstract.html